jQuery queueFn
Execute any jQuery method or arbitrary function in the animation queue. The first argument is either a function reference or the string name of a jQuery method, like “css” or “remove”. Any additional...
View ArticleColor animation
What's really missing from jQuery is animating colors. This plugin will add this feature. With this plugin, you can animate the following properties: * color * backgroundColor * borderColor *...
View ArticleColor Fade
Color fading rollovers for links or any object with overwrite-able options. Very trim w/ small file size.
View ArticleSudo Slider
Sudo Slider makes it easy to make any kind of slider, using just this Javascript. It supports browser bookmarking, back/forward buttons. Multiple sliders pr. page and much much more. It's fully...
View ArticlejQuery Button Animator plugin by iTg
Overview:jQuery Button animator plugin adds some animation effect to the HTML buttons. The buttons can be made via HTML link and image tags or even by CSS Sprite (recommended). There is no restriction...
View ArticleonProximtyFade
A jQuery plugin for fading elements based on their distance or proximity to the mouse cursor. To use, give your desired elements the "fadeBox" classname.
View ArticlebgFader
Plugin to fade a background independently of the element's content. Supports fading in, out, and cross fading.http://jdeerhake.com/bgFader.php
View ArticleBlinkyPoo - Effect for blinking, flashing, pulsing an element
BlinkyPoo is a jQuery plugin that lets you place a blinking effect on a desired element. Similar to pulsate in jQueryUI.
View ArticleSimple FadeSlideshow
Simple FadeSlideshow by Pascal BajoratSimple FadeSlideshow is a very simple and easy to use fade-image slideshow. Its structure is very flexible and you can use it for image and / or content...
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